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Production Must Remain Consistent

Eternal entertainment enterprise began in 2000 after a brief move to California. Now, in 2015, eternal entertainment enterprise has structured into an LLC with help from volunteer lawyers and accountants for the arts, Bryan Cave and associates. Associate director, Ken Konkle called me on the phone the other day to make sure everything was going okay. I let them know the LLC was coming along, and I would be contacting him in the near future about copyright law.

Below is a link to the famous Beastie Boys three second rule that set president on copyright.

Eternal entertainment enterprise prides itself on proficiency in contracts and knowing copyright law.

In my opinion, the courts and copyright law are presently leaning towards no tolerance.

Recent developments awarded Marvin Gaye's family $7 million for copyright infringement from the track "Blurred Lines." Robin Thicke and Pharrel Williams "Blurred Lines" audio waves almost matched identical with Marvin Gaye's, "Got to Give it Up."

This is why experience in the music industry is so important.

I always say, "it's better to know what not to do from experience than think you know what to do without any experience."

me & Fuego.jpeg

Mission Statement:


“Entertaining evermore the soul.” Our goal is to thoughly entertain each and every individual; transmitting lifelong memories for future generations. Eternal entertainment enterprise seeks to give family and friends alike anything from a catered event to a fine dining experience, a personal audio/visual recording or one of our live shows within a simple cafe experience 24 hours a day.

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